- Huinsermolen
- The new power
- Waiting...
- S6301998
- S6301997
- S6301996
- S6301962
- S6302003
- S6301999
- S6301879
- Huis aan de Swette
- Fries landschap
- Man At work
- Demolish the building
- Forget
- Trails
- S6301822
- S6301818
- S6301813
- S6301812
- Leeuwarder station
- S6301809
- finally, the train is coming
- Defence
- S6301778
- S6301771
- S6301768
- S6301879
- S6301876
- S6301875
- S6301874
- S6301863
- S6301854
- S6301837
- S6301836
- S6301832
- Vervallen boerderij
- Station te Leeuwarden
- just an alley
- 2e Oosterkade Sneek
- S6301698
- Het echte leven
- Back home after school